Whether you have been married for only a brief period of time, many years, or…
Do You Need Marriage Counseling?

If you want to make sure that you and your fiancé are ready for marriage, or if you want to improve certain issues in your marriage, you may want to consider going to some marriage counselors in your area that can help. However, it’s important to make sure that you are going to counselors that will compliment you and your mate’s personalities, and that you are choosing professionals that will help you to improve your marriage based on the principles that you believe in.
First, it’s important to realize the marriage counselors are not magicians. They can not miraculously make the problems in your marriage to away. They will present you with the information you need to communicate with one another more effectively, and will serve as a sounding board if you want to vent your frustrations in a safe place. However, you and your spouse will have to be willing to make the effort to complete any exercises that your marriage counselor will give you, or to put the principles that you learn during counseling to use in your home.
During your first session with a marriage counselor, you will need to be clear about the problems you are trying to fix. It is important to do this without criticizing your mate or blaming them for the problem–if your counselor feels that you are not able to do this yet, he or she will give you pointers to accomplish this. Some marriage counselors may also ask you to fill out a personality questionnaire, so that you can receive the most effective treatment for your marriage issues.
Marriage counselors also do the work of helping couples to decide if they are ready for marriage. You will need to talk about some very important issues in your sessions that you may not have talked about with your significant other before, so you should be prepared for this before your meeting. You can take away some of the shock from your initial session, however, by talking to your future spouse about how they expect the money to be spent in the marriage, or how they want to raise children. How soon you want to have children is another crucial issue that needs to be discussed, so even though you are going to marriage counselors to get answers to these questions, you should still have private conversations with your mate before and after sessions in order to settle the issues.
If you want to find marriage counselors in your city or state, you can visit online dating and marriage sites like www.eharmony.com, or you can be referred to a counselor by logging onto www.lightmyfire.com.